❭ Step 1:
Submit online application form* 於活動官網填寫網路報名表。
Submit online application form via official event website. ❭ Step 2:
Receive confirmation email* 報名確認通知信將於報名完成後三至五個工作天內依照報名順序由官方電子郵件寄出。
Official confirmation emails will be dispatched within 3-5 working days following the order of received applications.
* 報名確認通知信中包含繳費方式、需填寫並回傳的詳細資料、未成年人活動參加同意書。
Confirmation email will include the payment method, additional requested information, and the Parental Consent Form.❭ Step 3:
學員完成付款 >>
Settle payment >> Registration successful!* 根據報名確認通知信內提供之繳費方式,以轉帳方式繳付報名費。
Transfer the application fees by using the chosen payment method.
* 收到報名確認通知信後請於三天內完成回覆信件並確實回傳信件內所需填寫之資料。
Please respond with additional information within three days after receiving the confirmation email from the organizer.
Download File2024maestrio福爾摩沙國際長笛音樂營-簡章.pdf File Size: 234 kb File Type: pdf
Download File未成年人參加活動同意書.pdf File Size: 207 kb File Type: pdf
Download FileGuidelines and Regulations_English version.pdf File Size: 253 kb File Type: pdf
Download FileParental Consent Form for Minors Participation.pdf File Size: 185 kb File Type: pdf
1. 全程旁聽 All-Access|NTD$ 12000
2. 單日旁聽 Day Pass|NTD$ 3000
3. 講座/音樂會 單堂旁聽 Single Pass |每堂 NTD$ 500
☑ 網路填寫表單報名 ☑ 現場報名 ( 如網路報名額滿,將不開放現場報名 )
https://reurl.cc/jWnXon講座主題- DAY1 08/04
📍AL1|閔若凡Ruofan Min【 每日基本功的注意事項 】
📍AL2|洪健鈞 Chien-Chun Hung【 我們與音色的距離 】- DAY2 08/05
📍AL3|蔡佳璇 Chia- Hsuan Tsai【 實作巴洛克—18世紀長笛作品裝飾奏解析與即興實作 】
📍AL4|陳廷威 Ting-Wei CHEN【 肢體開發與呼吸技巧 】
📍AL5|野島洋一 NOJIMA YOICHI【 製笛大師 野島洋一的長笛世界:探索精湛工藝的奧秘 】
📍ML1|比伊特·拉姆斯爾 Birgit Ramsl【 探究維也納長笛音樂- 莫札特、舒伯特、史特勞斯作品之長笛音樂詮釋方式 】
- DAY3 08/06
📍AL6|莊雪華 Ivy Chuang【 長笛演奏與運動傷害 】
📍AL7|邱佩珊 Pei-San Chiu【 上林裕子的長笛音樂 】
📍AL8|高佳君 Rica Kao【 短笛操作手冊 】
📍ML2|派屈克·威廉斯 Patrick Williams【 管弦樂團片段與甄試技巧 】- DAY4 08/07
📍AL9|翁斯貝 Sibei Weng【 現代演奏技巧 】
📍AL10|王芙紀 Fuki Wang、楊舒羽 Shuyu Yang【 關於留學你不知道的十件事10 】
📍ML3|安德烈斯.阿朵里安 András Adorján 【 安德烈斯.阿朵里安與杜普勒兄弟的跨時空對話】
2024 MAESTRIO Formosa Flute Camp Guideline and Regulations
Download File2024maestrio福爾摩沙國際長笛音樂營-簡章.pdf File Size: 234 kb File Type: pdf
Download File未成年人參加活動同意書 File Size: 207 kb File Type: pdf
Download FileGuidelines and Regulations_English version.pdf File Size: 253 kb File Type: pdf
Download FileParental Consent Form for Minors Participation File Size: 185 kb File Type: pdf
選擇組別報名資格演奏組1. 需年滿12歲(含)。(或應屆國民小學畢業)
2. 具長笛獨奏能力。
3. 需提供一分鐘以上影片連結。愛樂組1. 需年滿10歲(含)。
2. 具長笛演奏能力。
3. 需提供一分鐘以上影片連結。※最終組別分配由主辦單位依照師資建議保留分組權利。【報名日期】
2023年11月24日(五)中午12時起 ※額滿為止
活動日期:2024年08月04日(日) 至 08月08日(四)
活動時間:09:00 至 21:00
活動地點:東海大學 音樂學系
演奏組-新台幣 $35,000 / 港幣$8,800 / 美金$1,120
愛樂組-新台幣 $27,000 / 港幣$6,800 / 美金$870
住宿費用:新台幣 $7,000 / 港幣$1,800 / 美金$230
福爾摩沙國際長笛音樂營 報名簡章一、【營隊宗旨】:
TRIO Music空氣工房音樂有限公司、東海大學音樂學系
Brannen Brothers Flutemakers, Inc. ,
Verne Q. Powell Flutes, Inc.
四、【報名資格】選擇組別報名資格演奏組1. 需年滿12歲(含)。(或應屆國民小學畢業)
2. 具長笛獨奏能力。
3. 需提供一分鐘以上影片連結。愛樂組1. 需年滿10歲(含)。
2. 具長笛演奏能力。
3. 需提供一分鐘以上影片連結。※最終組別分配由主辦單位依照師資建議保留分組權利。五、【報名方式】
2、報名方式:網路填寫報名表,請參閱活動官網Maestrio福爾摩沙國際長笛藝術節 (www.maestrio-artistry.com)。
(1) 於活動官網填寫網路報名表。
(2) 報名確認通知信將於報名完成後三至五個工作天內依照報名順序由官方電子郵件寄出。報名確認通知信中包含繳費方式、需填寫並回傳的詳細資料、未成年人活動參加同意書。
(3) 根據電子郵件內提供之繳費方式,以轉帳方式繳付報名費。
(4) 收到報名確認通知信後請於三天內完成回覆信件並確實回傳信件內所需填寫之資料。
※未成年人家長如欲陪同參加活動,需於報名表勾選家長旁聽選項並繳交家長旁聽費用 新台幣$5,000 / 港幣$1250 / 美金$160 (限1位法定監護人)。
1、活動日期: 2024年08月04日(日)至 2024年08月08日(四)
2、活動時間:09:00 至 21:00
3、活動地點:東海大學 音樂學系
5、報名時間: 2023年11月24日起,額滿為止。
(1) 演奏組-新台幣 $35,000 / 港幣$8,800 / 美金$1,120
(2) 愛樂組-新台幣 $27,000 / 港幣$6,800 / 美金$870
※早鳥優惠期間2024年1月1日 至 3月31日,單人報名課程費用一律85折,兩人同行報名85折。(不包含住宿費用)
1、師資:(根據姓氏字母排序)- András Adorján 安德烈斯·阿朵里安 [當代長笛巨擘]
- Fabio Chen 陳家慶 [德國德勒斯登音樂學院長笛演奏文憑]
- Ting-Wei Chen 陳廷威 [挪威奧斯陸愛樂長笛首席]
- Pei-San Chiu 邱佩珊 [東海大學音樂學系專任副教授]
- Ivy Chuang 莊雪華 [BRANNEN BROTHERS - TRIO Music 香港、臺灣、新加坡區品牌代言人]
- Chien-Chun Hung 洪健鈞 [五項國際長笛比賽得主]
- Rica Kao 高佳君 [國立維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學藝術碩士]
- Ruofan Min 閔若凡 [德國萊比錫布商大廈長笛首席(年度合約)]
- Birgit Ramsl 比伊特.拉姆斯爾 [維也納人民歌劇院長笛首席]
- Sibei Weng 翁斯貝 [澳門樂團長笛演首席]
- Patrick Williams派屈克·威廉斯 [美國費城交響樂團長笛副首席]
- Hui-Chun Yang 楊慧君 [法國巴黎師範音樂學院長笛最高演奏家文憑]
(1) 演奏組:兩堂歐美導師指導課、三堂亞洲導師指導課、十堂講座、師資音樂會、成果發表會。
(2) 愛樂組:兩堂亞洲導師指導課、四堂重奏課、十堂講座、師資音樂會、學員重奏成果發表會。
5、亞洲導師將分為A、B兩組教學,分組志願將於報名成功後選填。主辦單位保留最終分組權利。- A組:陳廷威、邱佩珊、高佳君、翁斯貝、楊慧君
- B組:陳家慶、莊雪華、洪健鈞、閔若凡、楊慧君
* 演奏組成果發表會將於活動課程中經由師資挑選出五位Rising Stars演出。
3、住宿費用:每位學員五天四夜新台幣$7,000 / 港幣$1,800 / 美金$230
2023年12月31日 前取消報名可退回 90%課程及90%住宿費用;
2024年1月1日至 3月31日 期間取消報名可退回 50%課程及50%住宿費用;
2024年4月1日 起取消報名不予退款。
TRIO Music 官方LINE帳號:@triomusic
TRIO Music 電子郵件信箱:[email protected]
TRIO Music 電話:+886-986-880-360
〔 師資陣容 〕
András Adorján當代長笛巨擘
The Flute Virtuoso of our time
András Adorján
簡歷安德烈斯.阿朵里安András Adorján 出生在布達佩斯,成長於哥本哈根,自 1974 年以來居住在慕尼黑。
在 1968 年獲得哥本哈根的牙醫文憑後,他在 Jean-Pierre Rampal 和 Aurèle Nicolet 兩位長笛名師的指導下完成了音樂學習。
作為國際長笛比賽的得獎者和歐洲重要交響樂團的首席長笛手,他於 1987 年被任命為歐洲最大、歷史最悠久的科隆音樂學院的長笛教授,並在 1996 年至 2013 年期間在慕尼黑音樂學院教授。2018 年,他被授予莫斯科斯尼特克學院的榮譽教授稱號。
擁有超過 100 張錄音專輯,並且作為 Laaber Verlag 於 2009 年出版的獨特而廣泛的長笛百科全書《Flöte Lexikon》的編輯,他是當今他這一代中最著名和最傑出的長笛演奏家之一。
András Adorján於多項世界著名長笛獎項中獲頒最高榮譽獎項, 在 1968 年獲得了哥本哈根的 Jacob-Gade-Preis 獎項,並曾獲得蒙特勒長笛國際比賽(Concours International de Flûte)的榮譽。1971 年,他贏得了巴黎長笛國際比賽(Concours International de Flûte de Paris)的Premier Grand Prix,並在 1988 年獲得了德國唱片評論獎(Prize of the Deutsche Schallplattenkritik),1996 年獲得匈牙利長笛協會的多普勒戒指(Doppler-Ring),2007 年獲得義大利 Falaut-Associazione 的職業生涯獎(Premio di carriera)。他在 2018 年獲得了美國國家長笛協會(NFA)的終身成就獎,2019 年獲得了中國長笛協會(CFA)的終身成就獎,以及在 2021 年獲得了克羅地亞長笛協會(HDF)的終身成就獎。Biography
András Adorján was born in Budapest, grew up in Copenhagen and lives since 1974 in Munich.
After obtaining a dentist diploma in Copenhagen in 1968 he completed his musical studies under the auspieces of Jean-Pierre Rampal and Aurèle Nicolet.
As a laureate of international flute competitions and the principal flutist of important European symphony orchestras he was 1987 appointed professor for flute at the Musikhochschule in Cologne and continued 1996-2013 teaching at the Musikhochschule in Munich. 2018 Honorary Professor at the Schnittke-Institute in Moscow. With more than 100 recorded albums and as the editor of a unique and extensive encyclopedia Lexikon der Flöte published by Laaber Verlag 2009 he is today one of the best known and most prominent flutists of his generation.
András Adorján received 1968 the Jacob-Gade-Preis in Copenhagen and was a laureate at the Concours International de Flûte in Montreux. 1971 he won the Premier Grand Prix at the Concours International de Flûte de Paris and was in 1988 honoured with the Prize of the Deutsche Schallplattenkritik, in 1996 with the Doppler-Ring of the Hungarian Flute Society and in 2007 by the Premio di carriera of the Italian Falaut-Associazione. He has received in 2018 the Lifetime Achievement Award of the American National Flute Association (NFA), in 2019 the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Chinese Flute Association (CFA) and in 2021 the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Croatian Flute Association (HDF).
Ivy ChuangBRANNEN BROTHERS - TRIO Music 香港、臺灣、新加坡區 品牌代言人
Brannen Brothers - TRIO Music Artist in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore
Flute and piccolo instructor at HKAPA, CUHK, BUHK, EduHK in Hong Kong
Rondo Festival 多年大師班及長笛、短笛導師
Rondo Festival flute and piccolo instructor and masterclass presenter
AASFP 資深私人健身教練
AASFP Advanced Personal Fitness TrainerIvy Chuang 莊雪華
新加坡區 品牌代言人
Rondo Festival 多年大師班及長笛、短笛導師
AASFP 資深私人健身教練
莊氏活躍於國際舞台,表演蹤跡遍及世界各地。她曾參與西班牙阿斯圖里亞斯交響樂團和杭州愛樂樂團,作為客席長笛手和短笛手;2011年,皇家愛樂管弦樂團邀請莊氏,為其中國區巡演擔任客席短笛手;2015年,她則被美國波士頓大學的管樂團邀請,客席表演短笛獨奏。除此之外, 莊氏經常以特約長笛手和短笛手的身分與香港管弦樂團及香港小交響樂團合作。她亦被香港管樂合奏團、普羅維登斯學院的管樂團、香港中文大學崇基管樂團丶新香港愛樂團等邀請,表演獨奏。
多年來,莊氏曾與眾多國際頂級指揮家同台演出,例如Pinchas Zukerman、Vladimir Ashkenazy、Lorin Maazel、Sergiu Comissiona、Edo de Waart、Sir Neville Marriner 與及Jaap van Zweden等等。作為炙手可熱的優秀樂手,莊氏已踏足四大洲的舞台,曾獲邀到多個世界級知名場地表演,計有阿姆斯特丹的 Royal Concertgebouw、柏林音樂廳以至東京Suntory Hall等,讓各地觀眾留下深刻印象。
的暑期管弦樂團教導長笛和短笛。她曾於兩年間參與他們的世界巡迴表演,樂於提攜這個知名樂團的年輕樂手。莊氏亦連續三年受邀為馬來西亞Rondo Festival擔任長笛導師,致力推廣亞洲地區音樂教育。
莊氏於香港演藝學院獲取音樂榮譽學士學位(一級榮譽),師承Margaret Crawford、Simon Channing、Andrew Nicholson、Emer McDonough與Linda Stuckey。由於成續彪炳,獲英國皇家音樂學院頒發Jardine Matheson 全額獎學金到英國曼切斯特的皇家北方音樂學院進修,隨Peter Lloyd教授、Karen Jones、Patricia Morris與Joanne Boddington等名師學習,再一次以優等成績畢業
莊氏亦於2020年發行首張個人大碟「Russian Classics」於,廣受好評。除了是為人熟悉的音樂家,莊氏也是眾所周知的愛貓之人,愛與貓兒共度悠閒時光。此外,她亦鍾情旅遊及油畫,愛好文化研究。
受著名廠牌 Brannen Brothers賞識,莊氏被羅致為旗下作為首位國際長笛代⾔人,並 於2018至2020年擔任他們唯一的亞洲區長笛代言人。她現為品牌的臺灣、香港及新加坡地區代言人。Brannen Brothers專門製造專業級數及手製的長笛和笛頭,而莊氏的專用樂器和配置則是 Brannen Brothers的 19.5K玫瑰金長笛及
14K Lafin頭管。BiographyBrannen Brothers - TRIO Music Artist in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore
Flute and piccolo instructor at HKAPA, CUHK, BUHK, EduHK in Hong Kong
Rondo Festival flute and piccolo instructor and masterclass presenter
AASFP Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer
Ivy Chuang is an acclaimed flutist and piccoloist from Hong Kong. She is noted for her brilliant technique, diversified approach, and dramatic emotion spanning every musical era. Whether it is a concert or a recital, Ivy performs with a variety of techniques; a charismatic performer with a unique style.
Ivy has rich performance experience and outstanding musical achievements. She is both an outstanding flutist and an excellent piccoloist. She started learning the flute at the age of 10 and shining her talent at the age of 17. She made her stage debut while still in school by participating in the performance and touring places with various orchestras many times; setting her early career milestone.
Ivy is active on the international stage with performance footprint around the world. She has participated in the Orquesta Sinfonica del Principado de Asturias (Spain) and the Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra as a guest flutist and piccoloist. In 2011, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (UK) invited Ivy to be a guest piccoloist on its China tour. In 2015, She was invited by the Boston University Wind Ensemble to perform as a guest piccolo solo. In addition, Ivy frequently performs with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta as a guest flutist and piccoloist. She has also been invited to perform as a soloist by the Hong Kong Wind Ensemble, Providence College Wind Ensemble, Chung Chi Wind Orchestra of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the New Hong Kong Philharmonia.
Over the years, Ivy has performed with many top international conductors, such as Pinchas Zukerman、Vladimir Ashkenazy、Lorin Maazel、Sergiu Comissiona、Edo de Waart、Sir Neville Marriner, and Jaap van Zweden, among others. As a popular and supreme musician, Ivy has set foot on stages on four continents and has been invited to perform at many world-renowned venues, including the Royal Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Konzerthaus Berlin, and the Suntory Hall in Tokyo, etc., that deeply impressed the audience.
In addition to her passion for music and performance, Ivy also loves teaching and is committed to cultivating the next generation, aiming to promote flute, piccolo and classical music around Asia. Currently, she teaches flute and piccolo in the music departments of well-known universities in Hong Kong, including the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, the Education University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Her extensive educational experience is precious among the peers. Also, Ivy is often invited to conduct masterclasses and has held masterclasses in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the United States. Recently, Ivy, as a senior member, taught flute and piccolo in the summer orchestra of the Asian Youth Orchestra. She supports the young musicians by participating in their world tour for two years. Ivy has also been the faculty for the Rondo Festival in Malaysia for three consecutive years. She has devoted in promoting music education in Asia.
Ivy received the BMus (1st hon) from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, where she was under the tutelage of Margaret Crawford, Simon Channing, Andrew Nicholson, Emer McDonough and Linda Stuckey. With her outstanding talents and achievements, she was awarded the Jardine Matheson Scholarship by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music to further her studies at the Royal Northern College of Music (England). She studied under well-know musicians, such as Prof. Peter Lloyd, Karen Jones, Patricia Morris, and Joanne Boddington, and once again received the PGDip (distinction).
Ivy also released her first solo album “Russian Classics” in 2020, which was widely praised.
In addition to being a well-known flute and piccolo artist, Ivy is a cat lover and enjoys spending her leisure time with cats. She also loves traveling, oil painting, and cultural studying.
Recognizing her distinct talents, Ivy is the first-ever artist and Asian sole artist of the renowned Brannen Brothers. She is now Brannen’s Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore artist. She plays on a Brannen Brothers 19.5K Rose Gold flute with a 14K Lafin headjoint.
Birgit Ramsl維也納人民歌劇院長笛首席
Principal Flutist of the Volksoper Wien
Birgit Ramsl 比伊特.拉姆斯爾
簡歷Birgit Ramsl比伊特.拉姆斯爾出生於克雷姆斯/多瑙河畔,她於2005年以榮譽畢業於維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學(mdw),師從Wolfgang Schulz和Barbara Gisler-Haase,並在2002年至2004年間在慕尼黑音樂劇院受到András Adorján安德烈斯.阿朵里安的大師班培訓。她的音樂訓練以成為古斯塔夫·馬勒青年管弦樂團的成員和長笛獨奏長笛,並在Claudio Abbado、Pierre Boulez、Ingo Metzmacher的指揮下,以及在Aurèle Nicolet、Emmanuel Pahud、Pierre Yves-Artaud和Michael Martin Kofler的大師班中獨奏長笛而著稱。
1996年,Birgit在奧地利的比賽"德國青少年音樂比賽"中獲得了維也納交響樂團安東·布魯克納協會的首獎和特別獎,並於2000年在奧地利著名的比賽"Gradus ad Parnassum"中獲得首獎和特別獎。2001年,她在德國拜律特的國際音樂比賽"Pacem in Terris"中成為得獎者,並於2004年在德國威斯巴登獲得了"Mozart Prize 2004",同年在巴黎的國際長笛比賽"Jean-Pierre Rampal"中獲獎。
作為維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學(MDW)的前長笛教授(2014-2019)和亞洲青年管弦樂團的講師,她獲邀請在世界各地的知名機構和音樂節舉辦大師班。BiographyThe Austrian flutist Birgit Ramsl enjoys an excellent reputation as a versatile soloist, sought-after chamber musician and passionate and successful teacher. While still a student, she became principal flute of the Vienna Volksoper Orchestra in 2004.
Born in Krems/Danube, Birgit graduated with honours from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) in 2005 with Wolfgang Schulz and Barbara Gisler-Haase and completed a master class with András Adorján at the Hochschule of Music and Theatre Munich from 2002-2004. Her training was characterised by being a member and solo flutist in the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra under Claudio Abbado, Pierre Boulez, Ingo Metzmacher and masterclasses with Aurèle Nicolet, Emmanuel Pahud, Pierre Yves-Artaud and Michael Martin Kofler.
Birgit has won the most important Austrian competitions and has been honoured with prizes at numerous international competitions. In 1996, she received the first prize and special prize of the Anton Bruckner Society of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra at the Austrian competition "Jugend musiziert", and in 2000 the first prize and special prize at the renowned Austrian competition "Gradus ad Parnassum". In 2001 she was a prizewinner at the international music competition "Pacem in Terris" in Bayreuth, was awarded the "Mozart Prize 2004" in Wiesbaden and was a prizewinner at the international flute competition "Jean-Pierre Rampal" in Paris in 2005.
As a soloist, Birgit has performed all major flute concertos in Europe and Asia with various orchestras such as the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, the Camerata Hamburg, the Tokyo Chamber Orchestra and the Baroque Ensemble of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra.
Recent highlights include performances as a soloist at the Seoul Arts Centre/South Korea and the Tokyo Opera City Hall Japan.
Her enthusiasm for chamber music in a wide variety of formations has taken her to important festivals worldwide: Salzburg Festival, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival, Richard Strauss Festival, Festival Latinoamericano de Música Caracas, Murten Classics, Grafenegg Festival, Lisztfestival Raiding, Attersee- Klassik Festival, Millstätter Musikwochen, Rheingau Musik Sommer and New Music Week Shanghai. She is a founding member of the Trio Partout (flute, viola & harp), the Harmoniemusik of the Volksoper Vienna, the Theophil Ensemble Vienna and a member of the ensemble xxi. jahrhundert, the Salzburg Orchestra Soloists and the Mozart Ensemble of the Volksoper Vienna.
CD recordings with solo and chamber music as well as radio and television recordings document her musical work. Her discography includes Prokofiev Sonata, Messiaen's Le Merle Noir on the album "Flute Voyage" (Gramola 2005), Debussy Sonata with the Trio Partout on the album "Farbenspiel" (CCR 2010) and the Brahms Serenade on the chamber music album "Premier Plat" with the Theophil Ensemble Vienna (CCR 2011). Her new album "The Bird of Life" was released on 1 January 2022 with premiere recordings on Naxos (8.579111), for which she has received excellent reviews at home and abroad.
As the former professor of flute (2014-2019) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) and lecturer of the Asian Youth Orchestra in Hong Kong follows invitations to give masterclasses at renowned institutions and festivals around the world.
She is also a welcome guest on jury panels at home and abroad.
Since 2018, she has been a board member of the Austrian Flute Society, which connects and supports professional flutists, flute students and amateurs by organising concerts, workshops, masterclasses, instrument and sheet music exhibitions related to the flute.
Birgit plays an 18k rosé flute with a 22k/19.5k headjoint (replica Louis Lot 1927) of the brand VQPowell.
Fabio Chen德國德勒斯登音樂學院長笛演奏文憑
Hochschule für Musik
Carl Maria von Weber Dresden
Flute Performance Diploma
台灣獨奏家交響樂團長笛兼短笛演奏團員Fabio Chen 陳家慶
台灣知名長笛演奏家陳家慶,先後畢業於國立臺灣藝術大學(National Taiwan University of Arts)師承徐芝珉教授以及德國德勒斯登韋伯音樂學院(Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden)師承德勒斯登國家交響樂團長笛、短笛家Prof. Ulrich Philipp,2004年獲法國巴黎UFAM國際長笛大賽高級組第二大獎,曾受教於:Henrik Wiese、Christian Chéret、Susanne Meier、Bernhard Kury、Karin Hofmann及Lóránt Kovács。
參與過美國南加州以立基金會管弦樂團、夢蓮花交響樂團、國防部示範樂隊、世紀交響樂團、新北市交響樂團,演奏足跡有美國迪士尼音樂廳、聖荷西加州劇院、聖蓋博劇院、德國森柏歌劇院、Sachsen阿爾布萊希特城堡、法蘭克福德勒斯登銀行音樂廳、上海東方藝術中心、無錫大劇院、深圳音樂廳、義大利Teatro Puccini、Assisi Lyrick Teatro、Teatro Signorelli、台北國家音樂廳、台中歌劇院、衛武營音樂廳、香港、新加坡等。
回國後秉持著教學的熱忱,累積豐富的教學經驗及成果,於2013-2016擔任Vienna Music Examination Board海外監考官,在台灣經常受邀擔任各類評審,如:教育部全國學生音樂比賽評審、新北市教育局音樂類資優學生鑑定評委、文化盃音樂大賽評審、日本古典音樂大賽評審、台灣長笛菁英大賽評審。
現在任教於醒吾科技大學通識中心兼任講師、南崁高中音樂班以及台北市所有公立小學音樂班(古亭、敦化、福星)並擔任致凡音樂院音樂營長笛講師一職,積極的培訓長笛學子參與國內外長笛大賽表現優異,如:台灣教育部全國學生音樂比賽、台灣長笛菁英大賽、日本びわ湖國際長笛大賽、日本東京クラシック音樂大賽、荷蘭國際長笛大賽Nederlands fluitconcours等。Biography
Taiwan Soloists Symphony Orchestra, Flute and Piccolo
Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden, Master in Flute Performance
Prominent Taiwanese flutist Fabio Chen graduated from the National Taiwan University of Arts, where he studied under Professor Chih-Min Hsu, and later from Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden in Germany under the guidance of Prof. Ulrich Philipp, the flutist and piccolist of the Dresden State Symphony Orchestra. In 2004, he achieved second place in the senior division of the UFAM International Flute Competition in Paris, France. He has also received instruction from Henrik Wiese, Christian Chéret, Susanne Meier, Bernhard Kury, Karin Hofmann, and Lóránt Kovács.
Chen has performed with various orchestras and ensembles, including the Southern California Elite Foundation Orchestra , Dream Lotus Symphony Orchestra, Ministry of National Defense Band, Century Symphony Orchestra, and the New Taipei City Symphony Orchestra. His performances have taken him to renowned venues around the world, including the Walt Disney Concert Hall in the United States, the San Jose California Theatre, the San Gabriel Theatre, the Semperoper Dresden in Germany, Schloss Albrechtsburg in Saxony, Dresdner Bank Music Hall Frankfurt, Shanghai Oriental Art Center, Wuxi Grand Theatre, Shenzhen Concert Hall, Teatro Puccini, and Teatro Lyrick Assisi in Italy, Teatro Signorelli, Taipei National Concert Hall, Taichung Opera House, Weiwuying Concert Hall, and cities in Hong Kong and Singapore, among others.
Back in Taiwan, he is dedicated to teaching, accumulating a wealth of teaching experience and achievements in flute education. From 2013 to 2016, he served as an overseas examiner for the Vienna Music Examination Board. In Taiwan, he is frequently invited to be a judge in various competitions, including the Taiwan National Student Competition of Music, the Education Department of New Taipei City Government Gifted and Talented Student Examination Board, the Taiwan Music Competition, the Japan Classical Music Competition, and the Taiwan Flute Competition.
Currently, Chen holds the position of lecturer at the Division of Continuing Education at Hsing Wu University. Additionally, he teaches at Taoyuan Municipal Nankan International High School's music program and in music programs at all public elementary schools in Taipei (Guting, Dunhua, and Fuxing). Chen also serves as the flute instructor at the Wach Music Academy, actively training young flutists to excel in national and international flute competitions, such as the National Student Competition of Music, Taiwan Flute Competition, Biwako International Flute Competition, Tokyo International Flute Audition, and the Dutch International Flute Competition.
Chien-Chun Hung德國符茲堡愛樂樂團長笛首席
Principal flute, Philharmonisches Orchester Würzburg
Chien-Chun Hung 洪健鈞
簡歷五項國際長笛比賽得主,畢業於德國紐倫堡音樂學院(Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg)與德國柏林藝術大學(The Berlin University of the Arts),師事德國著名長笛家蘿絲薇塔.施戴格教授(Prof. Roswitha Staege)與韋納爾.塔斯特教授(Prof. Werner Tast)及安.凱瑟琳.海茲曼教授(Prof. Anne-Cathérine Heinzmann)。以滿分優異的成績在柏林藝術大學取得學士學位與獨奏家碩士學位,畢業後隨即以第一名成績考上德國紐倫堡音樂院最高演奏家文憑班,並以最優異成績獲頒該校最高演奏家文憑。
留德期間榮獲柏林保羅‧亨德密特協會(Paul-Hindemith Foundation)、Ad Infinitum協會與德國學術交流資訊中心(DAAD)之獎學金,亦多次受保羅‧亨德密特協會與國際尹伊桑音樂協會(Internationale Isang Yun Foundation)邀請,於柏林演出多場獨奏與室內樂音樂會。並於2017年受德國長笛協會(German Flute Association)之邀約,於慕尼黑國際長笛音樂節演出室內樂,大獲好評。
洪健鈞為五項國際長笛比賽得主,足跡遍佈德國、波蘭、葡萄牙、瑞典、中國、香港、奧地利、捷克、日本等地。以獨奏家身份,曾與台北市立交響樂團在台北市中山堂及葡萄牙大⻄洋岸國際青年樂團於葡萄牙演出長笛協奏曲。並於奧地利維也納-愛樂之友協會金屬廳(Metallener Saal- Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien)、盧森堡國際長笛音樂節、德國柏林姚阿幸音樂廳、台北國家演奏廳、香港大會堂留下獨奏足跡。並曾受邀於國立台中教育大學、東海大學、國立屏東大學、高雄市立新興高中、國立南投高中、香港國際長笛協會以及台中慕緹音樂舉辦長笛大師班。
洪健鈞擁有豐富職業樂團經驗,2022-2023年為紐西蘭奧克蘭愛樂樂團客席長笛首席,亦曾於2020年擔任瑞典哥德堡歌劇院交響樂團客席長笛首席。2017-2019年期間旅居香港,擔任香港小交響樂團長笛首席。旅德期間曾擔任德國哥廷根交響樂團長笛實習團員,於德國境內巡迴演出。在台灣亦曾受國立台灣交響樂團、高雄市交響樂團、NTSO台灣青年交響樂團以及極地之光管弦樂團之邀請參與樂團演出。2012年受邀擔任長笛首席,與歐洲青年古典節慶管絃樂團(Young Euro Classic Festival Orchestra),於中國北京國家大劇院、上海音樂廳演出。BiographyBorn in Taichung, Taiwan, Chien-Chun Hung received his first professional music education at Nantou Senior High School. In 2011, he was admitted to the Berlin University of Arts, where he studied with Prof. Roswitha Staege and Prof. Werner Tast. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in 2015 and 2017, respectively, achieving the highest scores in all his major study examinations. He also received scholarships from the Paul-Hindemith-Society, Ad Infinitum Foundation, and the German Academic Exchange Service.
Upon graduation, he was accepted as a Soloist Diploma student (Meisterklasse) at Nuremberg University of Music, where he studied under the tutelage of Prof. Anne-Catherine Heinzmann. In 2019, he achieved the Soloist Diploma, the highest certification for a musician in Germany, and graduated with the highest distinction, "Auszeichnung."
As a multi-award-winning flutist, Hung has garnered top prizes at numerous international competitions, including First Prizes at the 1st International Hong Kong Flute Competition in 2019, the Bertold Hummel Competition (Flute), and the Portugal Atlantic Coast International Young Soloist Competition. He was also invited to participate in the Prague Spring International Flute Competition and the Kobe International Flute Competition.
Chien-Chun Hung, a professional orchestral flutist, has held notable positions in various orchestras. He served as a Guest Principal Flute in the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra from 2022 to 2023, held the same position with the Gothenburg Opera Orchestra in 2020, and was the Principal Flute of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta from 2017 to 2019. During the 2016/2017 season, he toured Germany with the Göttinger Symphony Orchestra as a flute trainee. In Taiwan, Hung regularly performs with professional orchestras, including the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra, and Evergreen Orchestra. Additionally, he was a member of the National Taiwan Youth Symphony Orchestra and the National Taiwan Youth Wind Orchestra.
Chien-Chun Hung, as a soloist, has showcased his virtuosity by performing flute concerti with prestigious orchestras such as the Taipei Symphony Orchestra in Taiwan and the Atlantic Coast International Festival Orchestra in Portugal. His talent has graced renowned venues including the Berliner Philharmonie, Metallener Saal - Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna, Luxemburg International Flute Festival, Joseph-Joachim-Concert Hall in Berlin, Auckland Town Hall, Taipei National Concert Hall, and Hong Kong City Hall.
Additionally, Hung has shared his expertise by conducting masterclasses at various educational institutions, including National Taichung University of Education, Tung Hai University, National Pingtung University, Kaohsiung Hsin Hsing Senior High School, National Nantou Senior High School, and the Hong Kong International Flute Association.
Sibei Weng澳門樂團長笛演首席
Principal flutist of Macao Orchestra
Sibei Weng 翁斯貝
簡歷翁斯貝,現任澳門樂團首席長笛演奏家、澳門演藝學院及澳門理⼯⼤學長笛導師、澳門長笛協會理事長。 翁斯貝⽣於上海,12歲時舉辦首次個⼈長笛及鋼琴獨奏音樂會;多次在國際音樂比賽中獲獎,如2003年布達佩斯國際長笛⼤賽、2004年慕尼⿊國際音樂⼤賽 (ARD)以及2006年北京尼柯萊國際長笛⼤賽等。 2005年考⼊柏林愛樂樂團學院,跟隨柏林愛樂樂團演出遍佈世界各地,並接受樂團長笛首席Andreas Blau、Emmanuel Pahud以及Michael Hasel的專業指導。翁⽒2008⾄2010年擔任香港小交響樂團長笛首席,期間兼任香港⼤學長笛導師。曾應邀於巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團、慕尼⿊室內樂團等擔任客席長笛演奏家演出。翁⽒以獨奏家身份在德國、中國各地及新加坡舉辦個⼈獨奏音樂會及與樂團協奏演出。受香港電台邀請擔任該台「2016年駐台藝術家」、紐約NYO-China中華青少年交響樂團長笛導師。 翁先後就讀上海音樂學院附小及附中、德國柏林藝術⼤學及慕尼⿊⾼等音樂學院;先後師從何聲奇、樸美香、Annette von Stackelberg、Karlheinz Zöller、 András Adorján,Aurèle Nicolet, 短笛師從Natalie Schwaabe。留德學習期間獲德國DAAD獎學⾦。2002⾄2008年被選⼊Yehudi-Menuhin Live Music Now成員, 並巡演於德國各地。
BiographySibei Weng is currently the principal flutist of the Macao Orchestra, a flute instructor at the Macao Conservatory and the Macao Polytechnic University, as well as the chairman of the Macao Flute Association.
Born in Shanghai, Weng held her first solo flute and piano recital at the age of 12. She has received numerous awards in international music competitions, including the 2003 Budapest International Flute Competition, the 2004 Munich International Music Competition (ARD), and the 2006 Beijing Nicolet International Flute Competition.
In 2005, she was admitted to the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Academy, where she performed worldwide with the orchestra and received professional guidance from the principal flutists Andreas Blau, Emmanuel Pahud, and Michael Hasel.
From 2008 to 2010, Weng served as the principal flutist of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, concurrently holding the position of flute instructor at the University of Hong Kong. She has also been invited to perform as a guest flutist with orchestras such as the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Munich Chamber Orchestra.
As a soloist, Weng has presented flute recitals and performed concerti with orchestras in Germany, China, and Singapore. She was invited by Radio Television Hong Kong(RTHK) to be the "2016 Artist-in-Residence" and served as the Flute-teaching Artist for the New York Youth Symphony Orchestra-China.
Sibei Weng attended the Shanghai Conservatory of Music affiliated elementary and middle schools, as well as the Berlin University of the Arts and the Munich University of Music and Performing Arts. Her flute mentors include He Shengqi, Park Mei Hung, Annette von Stackelberg, Karlheinz Zöller, András Adorján, Aurèle Nicolet, and she studied piccolo with Natalie Schwaabe. During her studies in Germany, she received a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). From 2002 to 2008, she was selected as a member of Yehudi Menuhin's Live Music Now, touring various regions of Germany.
Ting-Wei Chen挪威奧斯陸愛樂長笛首席
Principal flutist of
Oslo PhilharmonicTing-Wei Chen 陳廷威
出生於台北,活躍於國際音樂舞台的長笛演奏家陳廷威,現任挪威奧斯陸愛樂管絃樂團(Oslo Philharmonic)長笛首席。他的音樂生涯充滿了精彩的演出,帶領觀眾走遍了世界上最著名的音樂廳,包括維也納金色大廳、紐約卡內基音樂廳、漢堡易北愛樂廳、巴黎愛樂廳、英國皇家亞伯特音樂廳等。
陳廷威生於台北,並在台灣接受了音樂教育。他先後就讀於秀山國小音樂班,由曾郁蓉老師啟蒙,後轉至國立師範大學附屬中學音樂班,師事顏曉霞老師。2008年,陳廷威憑藉雙燕樂器公司的學術出國獎勵學金前赴奧地利維也納,就讀國立維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學(UNIVERSITÄT FÜR MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE KUNST WIEN),師事芭芭拉‧吉斯勒-哈澤教授(Prof. Barara Gisler-Haase)。2016年,他在維也納音樂大學獲得碩士學位,並前往慕尼黑音樂學院攻讀現代音樂碩士,師事安德列雅‧妮伯克奈赫特教授(Prof. Andrea Lieberknecht-Jensen)。
他具有豐富的音樂演出經驗,曾以獨奏家身分與多個樂團合作演出,包括波蘭捷舒夫愛樂管弦樂團(Orkiestra Symfoniczna Filharmonii Rreszowskiej)、台北市立交響樂團(Taipei Symphony Orchestra)、台北愛樂青年管弦樂團(Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra)、丹麥奧登塞交響樂團(Odenese Symphony Orchestra)以及匈牙利廣播交響樂團(Hungary Radio Symphony Orchestra)等。
此外,在樂團演奏方面,陳廷威積累了相當豐富的經驗,曾與眾多知名樂團合作,包括客席演出於德國斯圖加特⻄南德廣播交響樂團(SWR Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart)、維也納室內樂團(Wiener Kammerorchester)以及奧斯陸室內樂團(Oslo Kammerakademi)。他曾經在德國國家劇院-奧格斯堡愛樂(Augsburger Philharmonie 2018-2019)以及奧地利音樂藝術家樂團(TONKÜNSTLER ORCHESTER NÖ 2019-2023)獲得長笛首席終身職,展現了卓越的音樂才華。
目前,陳廷威擔任奧斯陸愛樂管絃樂團(Oslo Philharmonic)的長笛首席,隨團在世界知名音樂廳進行巡迴演出,包括2022年的歐洲巡迴以及2023年的亞洲巡迴演出,涵蓋日本、韓國和台灣等地。Biography
Born in Taipei in 1990, internationally acclaimed flutist Ting-Wei Chen performs as soloist, chamber musician and principal flutist of Oslo Philharmonic under direction of Klaus Mäkelä. The Engagements have taken him to the most prestigious concert halls: Wiener Musikverein, New York Carnegie Hall, London Royal Albert Hall, Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, Philharnoine de Pairs, Berlin Konzerthaus and Japan Suntory Hall among others.
Ting-Wei Chen has received numerous 1st prizes at international competitions including Budapest International Flute Competition, Friedrich Kuhlau Flute Competition and International Competition for Japanese and Bulgarian Music. He has played diverse pieces as a soloist with several orchestras in Hungary, Denmark, Poland and Taiwan. As an orchestra musician, Ting-Wei Chen has previously been working with Tonkünstler OrchesterNiederösterreich and Augsburger Philharmonie of the Staatstheater Augsburg as solo flutist, as well as working with Bruckner Orchester Linz.
As guest he has been working with SWR Symphony Orchestra, Wiener Kammerorchester, Oslo Kammerakademi and Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Orchestra under direction of numerous top-class conductors. His passion for chamber music and contemporary music has led him to the Gläsernersaal in Musikverein Vienna, ECMA music festival and other concert venues in Norway, Austria, Italy, Japan and Taiwan.
Since 2020, Ting-Wei Chen has been teaching as lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna for concert study (Konzertfach), at which he required the degree of Magister Artium under instruction of Prof. Barbara Gisler-Haase. He also studied contemporary music at University of Music and Performing Art Munich with Andrea Lieberknecht-Jensen. He is passionate for sharing his experiences and communicating with young artists in various outreach programs, workshops or personal coaching.
Rica Kao國立維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學藝術碩士
Master of Arts,The University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Rica Kao 高佳君
簡歷旅奧台灣新銳長笛演奏家高佳君,出生於台北。在台啟蒙於李秀鳳老師,並師事徐芝珉老師、江佳穎老師等,激發對長笛的熱愛。曾就讀新北市板橋光仁中學音樂班,爾後赴奧地利,並考取世界首屈一指的維也納國立音樂暨表演藝術大學Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst,並跟隨維也納交響樂團Wiener Symphoniker短笛首席演奏家Raphael Leone及長笛權威Ulrike Anton學習。
為了開拓更寬廣的音樂詮釋境界,高佳君也積極參與激烈的全球徵選,脫穎而出參加各國際大師班,前後受到William Bennett、Peter Lukas Graf、Dieter Flury(前維也納愛樂長笛首席)、Günter Rumpel、Marina Piccinini、Jasmine Choi、Will Offermans、Louisa Sello 等長笛名家的指導與肯定,以特優獎成績畢業於維也納國立音樂暨表演藝術大學,取得藝術碩士學位。
不僅在演奏模式上求突破,高佳君也堅信音樂家對經驗傳承之責任。她從2011年起,便開始在奧地利首都維也納多所音樂學校中擔任長笛實習老師,在第一線上直接接觸奧地利當地學子。她清新的教法受到學生的熱愛,不到兩年的時間,就被維也納市政府社區大學(Die Wiener Volkshochschulen)聘為專任長笛教師。
高佳君在奧地利也設立了個人長笛工作室,她的學生表現優異,以傑出的成績考取維也納各大國立及私立音樂院,就讀長笛演奏、器樂教育、音樂教育、音樂治療等科系。BiographyTaiwanese emerging flutist Rica Kao, born in Taipei, began her musical journey under the guidance of Hsiu-Feng Li in Taiwan. She further pursued her study with teachers such as Chih-Min Hsu and Chia-Ying Chiang. Kao attended the music program at KuangJen Catholic High School in New Taipei City before studying abroad. During the years living in Austria, she successfully gained admission to the renowned University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst), considered one of the world's leading institutions for music education. There, she had the privilege of learning from Raphael Leone, the principal piccolo player of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra (Wiener Symphoniker), and the distinguished flutist Ulrike Anton.
In order to enrich her musical interpretations, Kao actively participated in auditions and masterclasses with distinguish performances. She had the opportunity to learn from renowned flutists such as William Bennett, Peter Lukas Graf, Dieter Flury (former principal flutist of the Vienna Philharmonic), Günter Rumpel, Marina Piccinini, Jasmine Choi, Will Offermans, Louisa Sello, and others. With exceptional achievements, Kao graduated from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna with a Master of Arts degree.
Rica Kao's performance style is incredibly versatile, with engagements across Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Her music resonates from historic concert halls to royal palaces, from vintage coffeehouses to the stage of international music festivals. Highly acclaimed not only as a soloist but also for her extensive participation in diverse chamber music performances.
Her distinctive soloistic approach has caught the attention of various art performance groupss, dancers, orchestras, and contemporary composers worldwide. She is frequently invited as the featuring flutist to interpret a wide range of musical styles and engage in improvisational performances. Moreover, she has been entrusted by composers to premiere their works on numerous occasions.
Not only seeking breakthroughs in her performance style, but Kao also firmly believes in the responsibility of musicians to pass on their experiences. Since 2011, she has been serving as a flute intern teacher in various music schools in Vienna, directly interacting with local Austrian students. Her fresh teaching methods have been well-received by students, and within the next two years, she was appointed as a full-time flute teacher by the Vienna Community College (Die Wiener Volkshochschulen).
In Austria, Kao has established her own flute studio. Her students have excelled, achieving outstanding results in gaining admission to various prestigious national and private music institutions in Vienna. Their areas of profession cover flute performance, instrumental education, music education, music therapy, and other related fields.
Patrick Williams美國費城交響樂團長笛副首席
Associate Principal Flute of the Philadelphia Orchestra
Patrick Williams 派屈克·威廉斯
派翠克以其在柯蒂斯交響樂團、音樂天使之火和斯蒂姆博特交響樂團的協奏曲演奏中的藝術表現而受到讚譽,他將對管弦樂的熱情與協奏曲、室內樂和獨奏演奏相結合,不僅在費城,還以客座藝術家的身份在其他地方演出。他的許多現場演出都被錄製並通過Instant Encore在線發布,以及在WHYY的電視節目“柯蒂斯舞台”中播放。還可以在WRTI上聽到費城交響樂團的廣播,以及在樂團的數字舞台平台上以及最近的錄音中欣賞他的演奏,包括與麗莎·巴蒂亞什維利合作的“秘密情書”(Deutsche Grammophon唱片)以及與張昊琛合作的貝多芬鋼琴協奏曲(Bis Records唱片)。
派翠克·威廉斯出生於科羅拉多州,他在科羅拉多斯蒂姆博特斯普林斯開始學習長笛。僅僅1年的學習之後,他前往日本長野,與成千上萬名鈴木的學生一起在1998年奧運會期間進行了一場多文化慶祝活動中演出。他在因特洛辰藝術學院高中與南希·斯塔格尼塔學習,以優異的長笛表演獎項畢業。在奧伯林學院與音樂學院—米歇爾·戴伯斯特的指導下學習,同時攻讀長笛表演和環境研究的雙學位。他還在阿斯彭音樂節上作為長笛研究員與馬克·斯帕克斯學習。派翠克在柯蒂斯音樂學院—傑佛瑞·卡納的指導下,獲得了音樂演奏學位。BiographyPatrick Williams is the associate principal flutist of the Philadelphia Orchestra, a post he has held since 2018. He was previously the principal flutist of the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra and co-principal flutist of the Hyogo Performing Arts Center Orchestra in Nishinomiya,
Japan. Patrick has also performed as guest principal flute in some of America’s top orchestras including the Chicago Symphony, the San Francisco Symphony, the St. Louis Symphony and the Pittsburgh Symphony. He has shared the stage with many of the world’s great maestros such as Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Sir Simon Rattle, Riccardo Muti, Vladimir Jurowski, Fabio Luisi, and Sir Neville Marriner.
Hailed for his artistry in concerto performances with the Curtis Symphony Orchestra, Music at Angel Fire, and the Steamboat Orchestra, Patrick compliments his passion for orchestral performance with concerto, chamber music, and recital performance both in Philadelphia and as a guest artist. Many of his live performances have been recorded and released online via Instant Encore and on WHYY’s television program, “On Stage at Curtis.” You can also hear Patrick in the Philaedelphia Orchestra broadcast weekly on WRTI, on the orchestra’s Digital Stage platform, and on recent recordings including “Secret Love Letters” with Lisa Batiashvili on the Deutsche Gramophone label, and Beethoven’s piano concerti with Haochen Zhang on Bis Records.
Patrick is currently adjunct instructor of flute at Temple University’s Boyer College of Music and Dance, and is on faculty of the Philadelphia International Music Festival. Previously he served as adjunct professor of flute at Xavier University of New Orleans, and has been a clinician at Interlochen Arts Academy, Loyola University of New Orleans, and Louisiana State University.
In addition to teaching, Patrick regularly participates in youth concerts and outreach programs for the Philadelphia Orchestra, and previously for the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hyogo Performing Arts Center, the New York Pops Orchestra, Music at Angel Fire, and Curtis Institute of Music.
A proud Colorado native, Patrick began studying the Suzuki flute method in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. After just 1 year of study, he traveled to Nagano, Japan, to perform with thousands of Suzuki students in a multicultural celebration during the 1998 Olympics. He then attended the Interlochen Arts Academy High School studying with Nancy Stagnitta, and graduated with a distinguished award for excellence in flute performance. At the Oberlin College and Conservatory of Music, he studied with Michel Debost while pursuing a double degree in flute performance and environmental studies. He also studied with Mark Sparks as the flute fellow at Aspen Music Festival. Patrick received his performance degree at the Curtis Institute of Music under the direction of Jeffrey Khaner.
Pei-San Chiu東海大學音樂系
Department Of Music,Tunghal University
Associate Professor
美國印地安那大學 長笛博士Pei-San Chiu 邱佩珊
2012年獲得 Alexander & Buono International Flute Competition 第一名,在紐約卡內基音樂廳獨奏演出。2015年與萊辛頓愛樂(Lexington Philharmonic)協奏演出並接受先驅報專訪(Lexington Herald-Leader)。邱佩珊演奏足跡遍佈美國、巴西、日本、韓國、香港、中國與新加坡等。迄今曾擔任協奏曲獨奏家演出巴哈《第五號布蘭登堡協奏曲》、聖桑《序奏與迴旋隨想曲》、莫札特《G大調長笛協奏曲》以及韋瓦第《夜》等。 樂團經歷豐富,2013年起為美國萊辛頓愛樂長笛首席,屢獲樂評讚賞更被譽為樂團的「秘密武器」。數次赴邀 Music Masters Course Japan 擔任長笛首席於橫濱及東京演出。2016與2018年參與世界華人樂團在北京國家大劇院及澳門大學巡迴。2017年受邀擔任廣州交響樂團成立六十週年音樂會之長笛首席,世界首演潘德列斯基《第六號交響曲》,並參與北京國際音樂節之交響樂馬拉松盛會。2018/19年為深圳交響樂團客席長笛首席,並擔任Taiwan Connection短笛手,2021年客席國家交響樂團長笛首席。 活躍於室內樂演奏,曾赴巴西里約熱內盧演出(Rio Harp Festival)多場音樂會,與福爾摩沙三重奏在美國與亞洲巡迴,並受邀至2017年世界豎琴年會於香港演出,2018年發行首張專輯《First Impression: Formosa Trio》。近年來與新加坡交響樂團長笛首席金塔組成Aureus Duo在臺中國家歌劇院、新加坡維多利亞音樂廳及青島國際長笛藝術節演出。2019年與Trio 2:1發行《十年》、2021年發行萬年曆專輯《花聲》。 教學方面,曾任美國印第安納大學長笛副講師,教授長笛個別課以及演奏技巧大班課。返台後專任於東海大學任教長笛、室內樂、木管作品研究及木管教學法,每年籌劃了多項的木管活動及大師班。曾受邀至美國西伊利諾大學(Western Illinois University)、中國浙江音樂學院、蘇州大學、上海同濟大學以及東華大學等給予長笛大師班指導。亦獲得109學年度東海大學教學傑出獎殊榮。BiographyEstablished in 2012, Pei-San Chiu achieved first place at the Alexander & Buono International Flute Competition, leading to a solo performance at Carnegie Hall in New York. In 2015, she collaborated with the Lexington Philharmonic, featured in a concerto performance and interviewed by the Lexington Herald-Leader.
Chiu’s musical journey spans the United States, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, and Singapore.
To date, Chiu has served as a concerto soloist, performing works such as Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5," Saint-Saëns' "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso," Mozart's "Flute Concerto in G," and Vivaldi's "The Night." With a rich orchestral background, she has been the principal flutist for the Lexington Philharmonic since 2013, earning praise as the orchestra's “secret weapon.”
Chiu has participated in international music events, including performances in Japan with Music Masters Course and tours with the World Orchestra of Chinese in Beijing and Macau in 2016 and 2018, respectively. In 2017, Chiu was invited to be the principal flutist for the 60th-anniversary concert of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, performing the world premiere of Penderecki's "Symphony No. 6" and participating in the Beijing International Music Festival's symphony marathon.In the 2018/19 season, Chiu served as the guest principal flutist for the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, joined Taiwan Connection as a piccolo player, and, in 2021, served as the guest principal flutist for the National Symphony Orchestra.
Active in chamber music, Chiu performed at the Rio Harp Festival in Rio de Janeiro, toured the United States and Asia with the Formosa Trio, and was invited to perform at the 2017 World Harp Congress in Hong Kong. She released the debut album 'First Impression: Formosa Trio' in 2018.
In recent years, Chiu and the principal flutist of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra formed the Aureus Duo, performing in various venues, including the National Taichung Theater, Victoria Concert Hall in Singapore, and the Qingdao International Flute Art Festival. Chiu released the album 'Decade' with Trio 2:1 in 2019 and the millennium-themed album 'Floral Sounds' in 2021.
On the educational front, Chiu previously held the position of Assistant Lecturer of Flute at Indiana University in the United States. After returning to Taiwan, she is currently a professor at Tunghai University, teaching flute, chamber music, woodwind composition, and woodwind teaching methods. Each year, Chiu organizes numerous woodwind events and masterclasses. She has been invited to give flute masterclasses at institutions such as Western Illinois University in the U.S.A., Zhejiang Conservatory of Music in China, Suzhou University, Tongji University in Shanghai, and Donghua University. Chiu received the Outstanding Teaching Award from Tunghai University for the academic year 109.
Ruofan Min德國萊比錫布商大廈長笛首席(年度合約)
Principal Flute of Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra(temporary contract)
Ruofan Min 閔若凡
簡歷閔若凡,德國萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團長笛首席(年度合約)、深圳交響樂團長笛首席、柏林愛樂客座長笛演奏家。 瑞士巴塞爾音樂學院獨奏家學位。
2020年,閔若凡考上柏林愛樂卡拉揚樂隊學院,成為柏林愛樂長笛首席E.Pahud首位中國學生。 同年4月入職柏林愛樂樂團實習,先後與丹尼爾·巴倫博伊姆、基里爾·別特連科、西蒙·拉特爵士、祖賓·梅塔、古斯塔沃·杜達梅爾等著名 指揮家合作演出。
閔若凡曾斬獲多項長笛大獎,如羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特國際長笛比賽第三名、德國Elise Meyer比賽第一名、日本第四屆亞洲長笛聯盟比賽第一名,並獲得了由神戶市長授予的榮譽證書 。 2019年尼爾森長笛國際比賽及2022年日本神戶國際長笛比賽入圍第二輪。
2023年10月,閔若凡在萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團的招募考試中獲勝,獲得了長笛首席的年度合約。BiographyAppointed to be the principal flutist of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra in the coming year. Ruofan Min is currently the principal flutist of the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, and guest flutist with the Berlin Philharmonic.
Ruofan Min graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Affiliated High School, the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre, and the Basel Music Academy, studying flute performance under the guidance of professors including his father Qi-Zhi Min, Pin Liu, Meixiang Piao, B. Westlund, and F. Renggli. In 2020, he was admitted to the Berlin Philharmonic Karajan Academy, becoming the first Chinese student under the tutelage of the principal flutist of Berlin Philharmonic, Emmanuel Pahud. In the same year, he began an internship with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, collaborating with renowned conductors such as Daniel Barenboim, Kirill Petrenko, Sir Simon Rattle, Zubin Mehta, and Gustavo Dudamel.
Emmanuel Pahud, principal flutist of Berlin Philharmonic- “Ruofan is a dedicated and exceptionally talented young artist, possessing advanced technical skills, intense musical expressiveness, and a versatile tonal palette.”
In March 2021, he assumed the position of Principal Flutist with the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra.
On the Chinese New Year's Eve in 2022, Ruofan Min, alongside Emmanuel Pahud, performed a version of the "Spring Festival Overture" in flute duet, extending New Year greetings to the global Chinese community.
Ruofan Min has received numerous flute awards, including the third prize at the Bucharest International Flute Competition in Romania, the first prize at the German Elise Meyer Competition, and the first prize at the 4th Asian Flute Alliance Competition in Japan, along with an honorary certificate from the Mayor of Kobe. In 2019, he reached the second round in the Nielsen International Flute Competition and, in 2022, the second round of the Kobe International Flute Competition in Japan.
In October 2023, Ruofan Min emerged victorious in the recruitment examination for the position of Principal Flutist at the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, earning an annual contract for the position.
Hui-Chun Yang法國巴黎師範音樂學院長笛最高演奏家文憑
Diplôme Supérieur de Concertiste de Flûte traversière
Hui-Chun Yang 楊慧君
簡歷楊慧君,旅法長笛演奏家。法國巴黎師範音樂學院長笛最高演奏家文憑(Diplôme Supérieur de Concertiste de Flûte traversière)。師事法國當代長笛泰斗Pierre-Yves ARTAUD教授。旅法期間以評審團一致通過獎考取巴黎師範音樂院長笛高級演奏文憑,除參與ARTAUD教授創立的OFF長笛團巡迴演出外,同時就讀法國艾弗瑞音樂(CRD de Ville d’Avray)跟隨長笛現代樂演奏名家Patrice BOCQUILLON學習,並以優異成績獲該校長笛專業級文憑。在台學習期間取得台北市立大學演奏碩士,師事黃貞瑛、林尚蓉及趙燕君等教授 返國後擔任多所學校教職,於2020年取得台灣教育部助理教授證書,現任職於各級學校音樂班。其教學用心熱誠,經常獲邀擔任各大比賽的評審,如澳門青音樂比賽評審、台灣高級中學音樂班甄選評審等。此外,慧君熱愛演出,2021年受新象藝術邀請,參與第六屆國際長笛藝術節擔任獨奏及重奏,於台北國家音樂廳及衛武營藝術文化中心演出,迄今已舉辦超過10場的長笛獨奏會,並與音樂家好友們舉辦多場室內樂音樂會。
BiographyFlutist YANG Hui-Chun studied at the École Normale de Musique de Paris, under the tutelage of Pierre-Yves Artaud. She obtained the Diplôme Supérieur d’Exécution with unanimous consent of the jury reward in 2013, and Diplôme Supérieur de Concertiste in 2014. During this time, She also joined the L'Orchestre de Flûtes Français which was founded by Pierre-Yves Artaud, as well as studied at Conservatory CRD de Ville d’Avray, under the French famous contemporary music interpreter Patrice BOCQUILLON. Yang receiving her Master’s degree in Flute Performance from Taipei Municipal University of Education in 2011, under the guidance of Prof.Jen-Ing HWANG, Prof.Sang-Jung LIN and Prof.Yan-Chun CHAO.
As an active flutist, Yang was invited by the New Aspect Creatives to join the 6th International Flute Art Festival as a soloist and ensemble at the Taipei National Concert Hall and Weiwuying Art Culture Center. She has held on more than 10 solo concerts and chamber music concerts in major concert hall in Taiwan since. Currently, she teaches in many high schools and elementary schools. She also obtained the Assistant Professor Certificate from the Ministry of Education of Taiwan in 2020. She often serves as a adjudicator in many competitions such as Macao Youth Music Competition, Taiwan National woodwind competition for young.
〔 鋼琴合作陣容 〕
Piano Accompanist華琍威
Weiwei Hua德國德特蒙音樂學院鋼琴演奏碩士
Hochschule für Musik Detmold
Weiwei Hua 華琍威
簡歷鋼琴家華琍威,德國國立德特蒙音樂學院(Hochschule für Musik Detmold)鋼琴演奏碩士,曾就讀台中市光復國小音樂班、雙十國中音樂班及國立台南藝術大學七年一貫制音樂系。2012年遠赴德國,同時考取國立德特蒙音樂學院以及國立斯圖加特表演藝術與音樂學院,而後於德特蒙高等音樂會取得學士以及碩士學位,師從德國鋼琴家Hartmut Schneider教授。
曾獲得義大利羅馬Academy Award國際鋼琴比賽第二名,於2015-2017年獲得德國北萊茵邦OWL社會獎學金以及德特蒙音樂院GFF優秀學生藝術獎學金。也曾參與許多國際音樂節,如:第二屆台灣 NTSO青少年國際鋼琴營、德國國際穆爾哈德鋼琴音樂節(Internationalen Klavierakademie Murrhardt)、法國阿爾卑斯山蒂涅國際音樂節(MusicAlp International Academy of Music in Tignes)等。並接受多位國際鋼琴家之大師課指導,包括:胡瀞云、張欽全、Dmitri Alexeev、 Vitali Berzon、Pascal Devoyon、Felix Gottlieb、Ivan Klánský、Matti Raekallio、Jerome Rose、Jacques Rouvier、Tamás Ungár、Lilya Ziberstein。
除了鋼琴獨奏外,琍威亦熱衷參與室內樂演出以及聲樂藝術歌曲伴奏合作,在德特蒙音樂院就讀碩士期間,副修聲樂藝術歌曲伴奏,師從德國聲樂藝術與鋼琴合作指導權威Manuel Lange教授。先後舉辦多場個人鋼琴獨奏會以及慈善音樂會,也屢次擔任器樂鋼琴伴奏與聲樂伴奏協演。演奏足跡遍布於台灣、德國、義大利、葡萄牙、香港、日本等國家。2017-2019年期間旅居香港,曾擔任香港多間音樂教育中心鋼琴導師,2020年返台致力於鋼琴演奏教學以及鋼琴合作伴奏,目前任教於中部多所音樂班。BiographyWeiwei Hua has achieved notable recognition, securing the second place at the Academy Award International Piano Competition in Rome, Italy. Between 2015 and 2017, she received scholarships, including the OWL Social Scholarship from North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, and the GFF Outstanding Student Art Scholarship from Hochschule für Musik Detmold. She has actively participated in various international music festivals such as the 2nd Taiwan NTSO Youth International Piano Camp, the Internationalen Klavierakademie Murrhardt in Germany, and the MusicAlp International Academy of Music in Tignes, France. Weiwei Hua has had the privilege of receiving master classes from several renowned international pianists, including Ching-Yun Hu, Chin-Chuan Chang, Dmitri Alexeev, Vitali Berzon, Pascal Devoyon, Felix Gottlieb, Ivan Klánský, Matti Raekallio, Jerome Rose, Jacques Rouvier, Tamás Ungár, and Lilya Ziberstein.
In addition to her solo piano performances, Weiwei Hua is passionate about chamber music and vocal art song accompaniment. While pursuing her master's degree at Hochschule für Musik Detmold, she minored in vocal art song accompaniment under the mentorship of Professor Manuel Lange, an authority in German vocal art and piano collaboration. Weiwei Hua has organized numerous solo piano recitals and charity concerts and has frequently served as an accompanist for instrumental and vocal performances. Her musical footprint extends across Taiwan, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Hong Kong, Japan, and beyond. From 2017 to 2019, she resided in Hong Kong, where she taught piano at various music education centers. Since her return to Taiwan in 2020, Weiwei Hua has been dedicated to piano performance, teaching, and collaborative piano work, currently serving as an instructor at several music schools in central Taiwan.
Jenny Lin國立臺灣師範大學表演藝術研究所
NTNU Gradute Institute of Performing Arts Collaborative Piano Professor
Jenny Lin 林娟儀
簡歷著名鋼琴家Ruth Slenczynska女士曾稱讚其:「極具天賦的年輕音樂家,擁有優越的技巧及音樂性...」
豐富的舞台經驗及獲獎,2003年獲得義大利摩洛波利國際鋼琴賽第二名榮譽(首獎從缺); 並經國際樂評家評審投票獲頒最佳潛力獎。
求學期間由於表現優異而多次獲選參加大師班,得到陳必先、鄧泰山、Aida Mouradian、Dimitri Bashkirov、Francesco Monopoli、Leon Fleisher、Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri、Oxana Yablonskaya、Ruth Slenczynska、Sergio Perticaroli 等國際知名教授的指導。
2008年更通過嚴格甄選,成為設於布魯塞爾-巴黎之國際鋼琴家認證協會(The International Certificate For Piano Artists)高級班(High Level Courses)成員,有幸能在國際頂尖大師France Clidat、Jean-Philippe Collard、Jerome Lowenthal、Michel Beroff、Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri、Philippe Entremont、Robert Roux的指導下學習,增廣演奏領域的智能,汲取豐富的舞台經驗。
在旅德期間,演出足跡遍及歐洲,受邀至義大利、波蘭、法國、匈牙利電視台及德國音樂廳落成典禮演出,均受當地媒體好評;除了獨奏,也常以專業鋼琴合作及室內樂鋼琴家的身分活躍於舞台上,曾擔任德國岱特蒙音樂學院助教與專門鋼琴合作家,同時也獲得匈牙利長笛大師János Bálint的青睞,成為其指定專業伴奏。
回台後也致力推廣鋼琴教育及合作藝術,先後任教於實踐、市立、東海、文化等大學與台師大表演藝術研究所,現為台師大表藝所鋼琴合作之專任師資。Biography"A young pianist with exceptional talent who possesses extraordinary technique and musical expressions... " - Ms. Ruth Slenczynska
Born in Taipei, Taiwan. Chuan-Yi (Jenny) Lin began her piano studies at the age of 7. At the age of 16, she entered the affiliated senior high school of National Taiwan Normal University, where she received early piano instruction from Professor Susan Shu-Cheng Lin. Later, in June 2002, she graduated from The Music Department of National Taiwan Normal University with outstanding achievement.
Her pursuit of excellence in piano performance led her to Germany, where she continued her training at the Musikhochschule Detmold from 2004 to 2011. During her time there, she achieved the Diplom (Kuenstlerische Instrumentalausbildung) with the best mark (1.0) and went on to earn the highest honors for her Solo Piano Performance Degree (Konzertexamen Solist).
Throughout her academic journey, Jenny Lin has won numerous prizes in various piano competitions. Notably, she secured the second prize at the "2003 Mauro Paolo Monopoli International Piano Competition" and the third prize at the "2004 Marsala International Piano Competition."
In addition to her studies and competition successes, Jenny Lin has furthered her artistic growth through participation in master classes by esteemed pianists and instructors, such as Prof. Dimitri Bashkirov, Pi-Hsien Chen, Leon Fleisher, Francesco Monopoli, Oxana Yablonskaya, Ruth Slenczynska, and Sergio Perticaroli. Carried from great performance and recognition, Lin took the piano coaching position and became a featured collaborative pianist in Musik Hochschule Detmold Konzertexamen Solist, during her years in Germany.
Lin has also been a member of high-level courses in the international certificates for piano artists in Paris-Brussels, where she received valuable insights and guidance from notable musicians like Maestro France Clidat, Jean-Philippe Collard, Jerome Lowenthal, Michel Beroff, Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri, Philippe Entremont, and Robert Roux.
Jenny Lin's talent and dedication have not only been recognized in her solo performances but also as a renowned chamber musician. She has given concerts with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra in Taiwan and performed recitals and concerts in both Taiwan and Europe, impressing audiences with her exceptional musicality.
After completing her studies abroad, Lin returned to Taipei in 2011. After rotating teaching positions in the Music Department of various universities, Lin currently serves as Appointed Professor of Collaborative Piano at the Graduate Institute of Performing Arts in National Taiwan Normal University.潘昱同
Thomas Yu-Tung Pan奧地利國立維也納音樂與表演藝術大學管樂演奏系副教授級專任講師
Senior Lecturer, Leonard Bernstein Institute, mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Thomas Yu-Tung Pan 潘昱同
──維也納愛樂前大提琴首席暨榮譽成員 Prof. Wolfgang Herzer
潘昱同為奧地利國立維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學(Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)校史僅見同時擁有「鋼琴演奏」、「鋼琴聲樂伴奏」以及「鋼琴室內樂」三種藝術碩士文憑的校友,其中「鋼琴聲樂伴奏」學位以最優異成績(„Auszeichnung“)、「鋼琴室內樂」學位則以滿分(„Einstimmige Auszeichnung“)取得;並在就學期間,即獲母校聘任,為管樂演奏系音樂教練(Solo- und Klassenkorrepetitor),並在2021年取得資深講師終身職(Senior Lecturer),其協同指導的學生已有多位獲聘任職奧地利及德國各大樂團。
在台時期,就讀福星國小、師大附中音樂班,國中畢業後隻身赴維也納求藝。由李俊賢老師啟蒙,先後師事彭聖錦、魏樂富、Martin Hughes、David Lutz、Avedis Kouyoumdjian 等諸位教授;亦曾接受陳必先、Sébastien Risler、Boris Bloch等大師指導鋼琴、Valentin Erben、Wolfgang Herzer、Peter-Lukas Graf、Stefan Mendl、Johannes Meissl、Marianne Piketty、Petr Šefl等大師指導室內樂、Christoph Berner、Angeline Pondepeyre、Roger Vignoles等大師指導聲樂室內樂。此外潘昱同利用公餘持續進修,於母校先後取得「鋼琴演奏」以及「室內樂」兩項碩士後文憑。
潘昱同曾受邀擔任多個知名樂團與劇院(維也納愛樂、維也納交響、維也納人民歌劇院、維也納廣播交響樂團、下奧地利音樂藝術家樂團...等)甄選會場及大師班(指揮家Teodor Currentzis、長號家Otmar Gaiswinkler、Franz Geroldinger、Massimo La Rosa、Branimir Slokar、維也納雙簧管演奏家Klaus-Dieter Lienbacher、聲樂家Leonardo De Lisi等)合作鋼琴家,亦曾為維也納廣播交響樂團(RSO Wien)協演人員。此外,潘昱同合作過的海外知名演出團體及音樂家還有:指揮家Martin Braun與柏林交響樂團(das sinfonie orchester berlin)、聲樂家Gun-Brit Barkmin、吉炳珉(Gil Byeong-min)、維也納愛樂長笛首席Water Auer、法國國家交響樂團長笛首席Silvia Careddu、維也納愛樂雙簧管首席Paul Blüml、維也納交響樂團雙簧管首席Ines Galler及維也納號首席 Peter Dorfmayr、Michael Stückler、京都交響樂團單簧管首席小谷口直子、薩克斯風重奏團Five Sax團員Alvaro Collao Léon與吳漢紳(Charles Ng)、小提琴家Johannes Fleischmann、下奧地利音樂藝術家樂團首席Kirill Maximov及中提琴首席Nikita Gerkusov…等。演奏足跡遍及舉世聞名的柏林愛樂廳(Berliner Philharmonie)、維也納音樂廳(Wiener Konzerthaus)、維也納樂友協會金色大廳(Wiener Musikverein)等世界級殿堂及港、泰、英、捷、保加利亞等地的潘昱同,參與錄製過多張專輯,現場演奏亦多次由奧地利國家廣播電台(ORF)下轄的Ö1頻道轉播。
2018年他受昆明Studio Museeker之邀,在當地首度舉行了個人大師班。2019年獲東吳大學音樂系之邀,舉行聲樂室內樂大師班。2022年返回母校福星國小舉行大師班。2023年獲中山大學音樂系之邀,舉行室內樂大師班。自2021年起,潘昱同與傳奇大師曼紐因爵士嫡傳弟子許恕藍定期搭檔演出,並於2023年首度獲邀赴東京巡演。2023年潘昱同與同樣來自台灣的小提琴家王彥與大提琴家張竣瑜,獲邀連袂於維也納樂友協會演出孟德爾頌鋼琴三重奏。同年九月,首度在衛武營表演廳舉行個人獨奏會。此外,潘昱同亦獲邀擔任2023年歐洲獅子會音樂大賽(LEMC)合作鋼琴家。
今年(2024)潘昱同將於維也納貝森朵夫城市沙龍(Bösendorfer Stadtsalon)舉行個人獨奏會,同時介紹並演奏日本作曲家德岡直樹的作品。九月份則將首次在台北國家音樂廳以及台中國家歌劇院舉行個人獨奏會,並將在衛武營表演廳完成今夏巡演最終場。Biography"Perfect piano skills, precise style, rich flexibility, and easy-to-blend ensemble player!"──Prof. Wolfgang Herzer, Former Principal Cellist and Honorary Member of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
"As a soloist, pianist Yu-Tung Pan performed Debussy's solo pieces with exquisite technique. As an accompanist, he always considers how to play to support the singer's voice without overshadowing it."──Rheinische Post
Thomas Yu-Tung Pan is a graduate of the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, where he holds three master's degrees in piano performance, piano vocal accompaniment, and chamber music, a combined achievement rarely seen in the school's history. He earned the highest distinction ("Auszeichnung") for his degree in piano vocal accompaniment and a perfect score ("Einstimmige Auszeichnung") for his degree in chamber music. During his studies, he was appointed as a music instructor for wind performance and later achieved the permanent position of Senior Lecturer in 2021. Several of his students under his tutelage have been appointed to major orchestras in Austria and Germany.
During his time in Taiwan, Thomas Yu-Tung Pan attended Fuxing Elementary School and Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University's Music Program. After graduating from junior high school, he ventured to Vienna to pursue his musical education. He received guidance from various professors, including Chun Xian Li, Sheng Ching Peng, Rolf-Peter WILLE, Martin Hughes, David Lutz, and Avedis Kouyoumdjian. Additionally, he received instruction from masters such as Pi-Hsien Chen, Sébastien Risler, Boris Bloch for piano; Valentin Erben, Wolfgang Herzer, Peter-Lukas Graf, Stefan Mendl, Johannes Meissl, Marianne Piketty, Petr Šefl for chamber music; and Christoph Berner, Angeline Pondepeyre, Roger Vignoles for vocal chamber music. Outside of his formal education, Thomas Yu-Tung Pan continued his studies and obtained master's degrees in piano performance and chamber music from his alma mater.
Thomas Yu-Tung Pan has received numerous awards both domestically and internationally, including special prizes in the 7th Taipei Youth Chopin Piano Competition (Youth Division) in 1998, first prize in the Youth Division of the 1st TOYAMA Cup Asia Pacific Teenagers Music Competition in Hong Kong in 2002, third prize in the Bulgaria International Sofia Art Song Competition in 2011 (as a duo with mezzo-soprano Jenny Hou), and first prize in the flute solo and flute and piano duo categories of the 14th International Friedrich Kuhlau Flute Competition in Germany in 2003 (as a duo with Ting-Wei CHEN), among others.
Thomas Yu-Tung Pan has been invited to collaborate with various renowned orchestras and theaters, including the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, Lower Austrian Music Artists Orchestra, and others. He has performed at masterclasses by renowned figures such as conductor Teodor Currentzis, trombonist Otmar Gaiswinkler, Franz Geroldinger, Massimo La Rosa, Branimir Slokar, oboist Klaus-Dieter Lienbacher, vocalist Leonardo De Lisi, and more. Additionally, Thomas Yu-Tung Pan has collaborated with prominent international ensembles and musicians, including conductor Martin Braun and the Berlin Symphony Orchestra (das sinfonie orchester berlin), vocalists Gun-Brit Barkmin and Gil Byeong-min, flutists Walter Auer of the Vienna Philharmonic and Silvia Careddu of the French National Symphony Orchestra, oboists Paul Blüml of the Vienna Philharmonic and Ines Galler of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, as well as trombonists Peter Dorfmayr and Michael Stückler of the Vienna Philharmonic, clarinetist Naoko Kotaniguchi of the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, saxophonists Alvaro Collao Léon and Charles Ng of the Five Sax ensemble, violinist Johannes Fleischmann, cellist Kirill Maximov of the Lower Austrian Music Artists Orchestra, and violist Nikita Gerkusov, among others. His performances have taken him to renowned venues worldwide, including the Berlin Philharmonie, Wiener Konzerthaus, and Wiener Musikverein, as well as venues in Hong Kong, Thailand, England, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, among others. Thomas Yu-Tung Pan has participated in numerous album recordings, and his live performances have been broadcasted multiple times on the Ö1 channel of the Austrian National Broadcasting Corporation (ORF).
In 2018, he was invited by Studio Museeker in Kunming to hold his first masterclass in the region. In 2019, he conducted a vocal chamber music masterclass at Soochow University's Department of Music. In 2022, he returned to his alma mater, Fuxing Elementary School, to hold a masterclass. In 2023, he was invited by NSYSU Departments of Music to hold a chamber music masterclass. Since 2021, Thomas Yu-Tung Pan has been regularly collaborating with Su-Lan Hsu, a direct disciple of the legendary violin master, Sir Yehudi Menuhin, and in 2023, they were invited to tour Tokyo for the first time. In September 2023, Thomas Yu-Tung Pan, along with violinist Yen Wang and cellist Chun-Yu Chang from Taiwan, was invited to perform Mendelssohn's Piano Trio at the Wiener Musikverein. Also in the same year, he held his first solo concert at the National Concert Hall in Taipei. In addition, Thomas Yu-Tung Pan was invited to serve as a collaborative pianist for the 2023 Lions Club Music Competition (LEMC).
This year (2024), Thomas Yu-Tung Pan will hold a solo concert at the Bösendorfer Stadtsalon in Vienna, where he will introduce and perform works by Japanese composer Naoki Tokuoka. In September, he will perform his first solo concerts at the National Concert Hall in Taipei and the National Taichung Theater. Followed by the grand conclusion of his summer tour at the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts.〔 課程資訊 〕
Event Content-演奏組愛樂組報名資格1. 需年滿12歲(含)。(或應屆國民小學畢業)
2. 具長笛獨奏能力。
3. 需提供一分鐘以上影片連結。1. 需年滿10歲(含)。
2. 具長笛演奏能力。
3. 需提供一分鐘以上影片連結。課程內容兩堂歐美導師指導課、三堂亞洲導師指導課、十堂講座、師資音樂會、成果發表會。兩堂亞洲導師指導課、四堂重奏課、十堂講座、師資音樂會、學員重奏成果發表會。課程費用新台幣 $35,000 / 港幣$8,800 / 美金$1,120
※優惠期間兩人同行報名課程費用85折(2024年5月31日前)愛樂組-新台幣 $27,000 / 港幣$6,800 / 美金$870
營隊場地 Camp ❭ 東海大學 Tunghai University
# 音樂人才的搖籃
The home of musical talent
# 校園佔地寬廣,景緻優美自然,深具人文氣息,為全國校園之冠
One of the best campus in Taiwan. Perfect harmony with nature and humanity.
# 音樂系暨美術系館榮獲「2010台灣建築佳作獎」,2012年「第2屆臺中市都市空間設計大獎」
Multiple architect award-winning building.
- 營隊地點:東海大學音樂系 (台中市西屯區臺灣大道四段1727號 東海大學音樂系)
Department of Music, Tunghai University
* 影片來源:東海大學音樂學系
Video produced by Department of Music, Tunghai University
音樂營住宿方案 ❭ 台中福華大飯店
Accommodation ❭ Howard Prince Hotel Taichung#五星級飯店領導品牌
National leading five-star hotel.
The most ideal option for all flutists.
台中福華大飯店|2024 MAESTRIO 福爾摩沙國際長笛音樂營專屬方案
Howard Prince Hotel Taichung | 2024 MAESTRIO Formosa Flute Camp Exclusive plan- 住宿地點:台中福華大飯店
- 住宿地址:台中市西屯區安和路129號
- 住宿費用:每位學員五天四夜新台幣$7,000 / 港幣$1,800 / 美金$230
- 房型:二至三人一室,含早餐。
* 此方案僅限 2024MAESTRIO 福爾摩沙國際長笛音樂營 活動期間適用
* 除主辦單位提供之住宿安排外,其他住宿皆由學員自行安排,並自行承擔人身安全及法律責任。
* 未成年學員之陪同監護人,可使用相同住宿方案(限一名,且與學員同住)- Hotel: Howard Prince Hotel Taichung
- Address: No. 129, Anhe Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan
- Pricing: Five-day, four-night stay NTD$7,000 / HKD$1,800 / USD$230 per participant.
- Rooms: Double occupancy, breakfast included.
* This plan is only available during the 2024 MAESTRIO Formosa Flute Camp duration.
* Accommodations other than this provided plan are to be arranged by the participants themselves. The organizer will not assume any responsibility for participant’s own arrangements.
* The accompanying guardian of a minor participant may use the same accommodation arrangement
(limited to one person and residing with the participant)
福華大飯店為台灣五星級連鎖飯店品牌,擁有商務飯店、休閒飯店、長期商務住宅等多個據點,以道地台灣文化精髓的「款待文化」出發,滿足每一位旅人住宿及餐飲全方位需求。 承襲創辦人「打造台灣最精緻細膩的飯店」之理念,更曾獲美國紐約時報(New York Times)讚許為「臺北最好的飯店」,並連續多年贏得台灣地區「管理雜誌」飯店理想品牌第一名、「讀者文摘」(Reader’s Digest)雜誌非常品牌金獎,為台灣五星級飯店之領導品牌。
來到台灣一定得品嚐道地料理,才不虛此行。福華大飯店以中西美饌、台菜聞名,堅強的主廚團隊曾多次榮獲美食競賽大獎,為您獻上色、香、味俱全的美饌佳餚。The Howard Plaza Hotel is a five-star chain hotel brand in Taiwan. It has multiple locations from northern business hotels to southern leisure resorts. The hotel group offerings around the island does not only include business hotels and leisure hotels but long-term business residences for extended stay. We thrive to provide the finest Taiwanese hospitality to satisfy every traveler's accommodation and dining needs. Based the founder's concept of "Building Taiwan's Most Exquisite and Elegant Hotel", the hotel has been praised by the New York Times as "Taipei's Best Hotel", and has won the Taiwanese "Management Magazine" ideal hotel brand for many consecutive years. Reader's Digest magazine has given the hotel gold award, as the leading brand of five-star hotels in Taiwan.
The Best lodging for business travel
The Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung, and Kaohsiung are located in the four major cities of Taiwan from north to south. They are located in transportation hubs and have attracted countless travelers with their calm and elegant culture. Advanced and state-of-the-Art equipment and trained professional team will provide you with service of warm Taiwanese hospitality.
Treasure the islands food
When you arrive to Taiwan and after tasting authentic Taiwanese cuisine; you will know you have made your trip already worthwhile. Howard Plaza Hotel is famous for its Chinese and Western delicacies as well as Taiwanese cuisine. The strong team of professional chefs has won many awards in food competitions and can presents you delicious delicacies with color, fragrance and taste like no other!- 營隊地點:東海大學音樂系 (台中市西屯區臺灣大道四段1727號 東海大學音樂系)