2024 MAESTRIO福爾摩沙國際長笛音樂營 Q&A
Any discount for applying to the camp?
Definitely! Super Early Bird discount is now available...[Read more]
Definitely! Super Early Bird discount is now available until 31st December, 2023. All the application successfully submitted within this period of time, 15% discount will be offered. (Excluding accommodation fees)
How to register?
「2024 MAESTRIO福爾摩沙國際長笛音樂營」採用網路填寫報名表方式報名...[繼續閱讀]
2024 MAESTRIO Formosa Flute Camp accept online application...[Read more]
2024 MAESTRIO Formosa Flute Camp accept online application. Please fill in the submit the online form in the "Register" page of this website.
Any age limit for joining the camp?
Yes. 12 years old or above for Professional Group...[Read more]
12 years old or above for Professional Group, 10 years old or above for Amateur Group.
Which group should I choose to apply?
「2024 MAESTRIO福爾摩沙國際長笛音樂營」有兩個組別提供喜愛長笛的朋友們報名參加...[繼續閱讀]
There are two groups available in 2024 MAESTRIO Formosa Flute Camp... [Read more]
There are two groups available in 2024 MAESTRIO Formosa Flute Camp. You may choose between Professional Group and Amateur Group according to your age, duration of flute studies, performance level etc.
Professional Group for participant who is at least 12 years old with certain level of solo flute performance proficiency. Amateur Group is targeted to 10 years old or above participant with general level of flute performance proficiency.
Professional Group for participant who is at least 12 years old with certain level of solo flute performance proficiency. Amateur Group is targeted to 10 years old or above participant with general level of flute performance proficiency.
Do I need to submit performance video? How to upload?
是的。報名時請於「影片連結」欄位附上報名者 "一分鐘以上長笛演奏影片",影片亦會成為分組參考依據...[繼續閱讀]
是的。報名時請於「演奏影片連結」欄位附上報名者 "一分鐘以上長笛演奏影片" ,影片亦會成為分組參考依據。
影片上傳方式請於「演奏影片連結」欄位貼上設定為公開狀態的雲端連結 或 設定為公開狀態的影音平台連結(如Google Drive、Youtube)。
影片上傳方式請於「演奏影片連結」欄位貼上設定為公開狀態的雲端連結 或 設定為公開狀態的影音平台連結(如Google Drive、Youtube)。
Yes. Please provide the link of performance video when submitting the application form...[Read more]
Yes. Please provide the link of performance video when submitting the application form. The video should last at least for one minute and it will be taken as the reference for group assignment.
Video should be uploaded to an online platform and ensure the link is publicly accessible (such as Google Drive, YouTube). Provide the link of the video in the corresponding column in the application form.
Video should be uploaded to an online platform and ensure the link is publicly accessible (such as Google Drive, YouTube). Provide the link of the video in the corresponding column in the application form.
Parental Consent Form is required for all minor participants?
Yes. If participant is below the age of 18...[Read more]
Yes. If participant is below the age of 18, he/she is required to submit the Parental Consent Form for Minor's Participation in Activities with the signature of legal guardian.
May parents accompany minor participant for the entire camp?
可以。未成年學員家長如欲陪同參加活動,需於報名表填選「未成年人家長是否陪同旁聽」選項「是」並繳交家長旁聽費用 新台幣$5,000 / 港幣$1250 / 美金$160,且限定1位法定監護人陪同參加活動。
Yes. Please select the Legal Guardian Accompanying option in the application form...[Read more]
Yes. Please select the Legal Guardian Accompanying option in the application form.
The sit-in fees for legal guardian is (NTD $5,000 / HKD $1,250 / USD $160) for the entire camp. Only one person is limited for each minor participant.
The sit-in fees for legal guardian is (NTD $5,000 / HKD $1,250 / USD $160) for the entire camp. Only one person is limited for each minor participant.
May participant's parent take the same accommodation option?
Yes. Parent of minor participant may apply for the companying residence...[Read more]
Yes. Parent of minor participant may apply for the accompanying residence in the application form. Enjoying the same plan and pricing with all participant. (Limited to one person and residing with the participant)
Is the accommodation plan compulsory?
No. The suggested accommodation plan is totally optional...[Read more]
No. The suggested accommodation plan is totally optional. Application form and Parental Consent Form are both available for checking the accommodation preference and occupancy information.
Accommodations other than the plan provided by the organizer are to be arranged by the participants themselves, and the organizer will not assume any responsibility for participant’s own arrangements.
Accommodations other than the plan provided by the organizer are to be arranged by the participants themselves, and the organizer will not assume any responsibility for participant’s own arrangements.
Q:主辦單位提供的住宿一定要全程參與嗎? 可以只住一天其他天住在別的地方嗎?
Do I need to stay in the same hotel for the entire camp?
The organizer offers a complete five-day and four-night stay...[Read more]
The organizer offers a complete five-day and four-night stay for all camp residents. No alternative options for specific days of stay are offered.
主辦單位在音樂營期間將安排專車往返東海大學及飯店,時間為... [繼續閱讀]